Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Realms Of The Oceans July 2010

I'm not sure about you guys, but I was in the middle of enjoying 4/20 when the BP oil spill happened. WHAT A NIGHTMARE! For weeks I was glued to the live leak view (which we actually featured on a huge screen in the gallery), and followed breaking news provided by the Center For Biological Diversity. Man, Miyoko Sakashita, oceans directer at The Center, was ON IT during the whole thing. They're the ones who do all our dirty work and sue the crap out of those huge corporations like BP.
The Big Picture by Octavian Florescu, oil on canvas, 30x40

We quickly changed our plans for our summer shows and decided to do a show to try and raise awareness to the devastating oil spill in the beautiful Gulf Of Mexico, and the response was amazing! Overwhelming! So many artists wrote back and  wanted to be a part of it (thank you guys SOOO MUCH for your emails!), some just wanted to help out, some donated their art which directly raised money for the Center For Biological Diversity, and we just got to meet and work with so many amazing, politically aware artists!

The Oil Dimension, Octavian Florescu, oil on canvas

Red Snapper, Beatrice Hunt, oil on panel

Fresh Sardines, Beatrice Hunt, oil on panel
Oil Bug, Martin Zuniga, tar, yes tar and wood

A Name Without A Box #2, Noah Ptolemy, acrylics on ceramic board

Egret by Shilo Ratner, oil on canvas

EnGulfed, by Rafael Bensuaski Vieira, lard, yes! LARD, many layers of it, cooked at diff. temps, then carved out! on aluminum cookie pan

This piece was donated to us by Andrew Greene of SF, and we raffled it off and were able to donate to the Center FOR Biological Diversity!
On July 15th, we had an awesome event with The Center For Biological Diversity, and Miyoko Sakashita herself gave an amazing presentation on the severity of the BP oil spill.

Miyoko Sakashita, Oceans Director for The Center For Biological Diversity
silk screened tee's by Alexander Schaffer Czech

Will Philz of Hapa SF made it out! Their food is amazing, and they even donated a portion of their proceeds to The Center as well!

We went all out for this party!
LOL, so our printer and everything broke right before this event, leaving me no choice but to collage stuff together, run to Office Max, and try and make it happen!

Overall though, it was such an amazing experience and I truly loved putting this show together.


Emerging Artists
Driftwood Salon is seeking works for an upcoming show that will feature fresh new work(s) in all mediums from our talented emerging artists throughout the greater Bay Area. Here at Driftwood, we know how it tricky it can be to start showing your work, which is why we’d like to shine a spot light on you guys.  This will also serve as an exciting opportunity for the collectors of SF to see some brand new artists.

One lucky candidate from this show will also be offered a month long solo exhibit here at the Driftwood Salon (date TBA in 2011),  addition to getting their art featured via their own page (to be updated monthly with new images of works) on our website(s) for up to one year!

Submission Guidelines
If you would like to participate, please submit 2-5 JPEG images of your finished works (snapshots OK but must be JPEGS and not a link) along with a short artist statement talking about the work you’re submitting as well as indicating your levels of commitment to your work and career.  If you do not have an artist resume due to the fact that you’ve never shown, that’s OK, however we will still want to see a resume of any type, and we’re especially interested in hearing where all you’ve trained as an artist, both officially and unofficially.

Please direct all emails to
curators@driftwoodsalon.com, or you may mail them to our gallery at 39 Isis Street, San Francisco, CA, 94103.  Entry deadline is Monday, December 27th , 2010.
Thank you all for reading, and remember to Create Every Day.

Monday, December 13, 2010

BE WELL: The Power Of Perception

This is our our year end show! Wow, what a year it has been. You know through out it all, I never stopped thinking about my sister whom I lost in Nov 2009. So for the ending of this whirlwind of a year, and to regain focus for 2011, based on what she's taught me about life and mindful living. BE WELL The Power Of Perception is a group show that I hope will remind the viewer that we are all MC's! Master Creators that is, and we all have remarkable abilities to manifest anything we want. So here's to perfect health, happiness and LOVE!

El Grito Del Silenciados/The Scream Of The Silenced, Martin Zuniga   
When Forever Is Only A Lifetime/Mom An Dad, Bernie Rauch

The opening was super nice, I had the best time hanging out with some friends I hadn't seen in so long, and a really heartfelt performance by Phil Deal!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Lost And Found, May 2010

We want to do this every year for Earth Day, so all you artists who love to use recycled materials, please let us see your stuff! Next Lost And Found show will open in April 2011!
All of these works are made from recycled, lost, and found materials.

                                                                          Greg Wilson

                                                                    Tyler Bergholz

                                                                     Andrew Greene

                                                                         Daniel Barron

                                                                      Liz Mamorsky

                                                                      Boris Koodrin

                                                                      Liz Mamorsky
                                                                      Larry Berger
                                                                             Sue Tom

                                                                     Tracy Burnham

                                                                            Barrett Cook

                                                                       Daniel Barron

                                                                      Martin Zuniga

                                                               Rafael Bensuaski Vieira

                                                                      Larry Berger (this chair used to be an apricot tree that was going to the landfill)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Art Of Illusion, April 2010

April Fools! Trickery is a remarkable skill that some artists can master.
For this show, we were really looking for trippy, decked out, unconventional art. Art that makes the viewer go "What the...How the hell..." You know what we're talking about.
                                                               Rafael Bensuaski Vieira
                                                                       Evan Nesbit

                                                      East Totem West poster company

                                                                        Rebecca Kerlin
                                                                 Rafael Bensuaski Vieira

                                                                  Jose Daniel Rojales

                                        Rafael Bensuaski Vieira (this is lard on aluminum!)

                                                                   Mark H Campbell

                                                                        Bradley Platz

                                                                      Boris Koodrin

                                                                    Rebecca Kerlin

                                                                   Jose Daniel Rojales

                                                                   East Totem West

                                                                Rebecca Kerlin