Saturday, August 31, 2013

Driftwood Salon's 3rd Annual Emerging Artists Opening Reception

We had a great opening night for the 3rd Annual Emerging Artists exhibit.
I was really excited about this years show, as I always am, being an emerging artist myself, but also because it represented a milestone for me as a gallery owner and as a curator. Three years ago, when I hosted my first emerging artist showing, I was a little shaky and in someways, stuggling quite a bit with the decision of who to pick. We receive so many entries during these call for artists, but only have a limited amount of wall space.
This year however, though challenging, was approached in an entirely different way. I knew I wanted a broad range of  mediums, to have as diverse a show as possible. And just going into in with a clearer picture of what I wanted the show to look like, seemed to make all the right artists present themselves to me, seemingly out of thin air.
I'd like to give many thanks to everyone who submitted their works, and especially our participating artists, Steen Kjorlie, Gabrielle Curry, Joe Spear, Hugo Kobayashi, Ricardo Miranda, Charles Papillo, Joshua Coffy, Jake Kobrin, Alberto Ybarra, Patrick St. Clair, Johnny Ringo, and introducing Douglas Alan Struble. I couldn't have done it without you guys' amazing works filling the room!

Gabrielle Curry

Patrick St Clair and Hugo Kobayashi

Ricardo Miranda

Patrick St Clair

Alberto Ybarra

Joshua Coffy

Steen Kjorlie

Douglas Alan Struble
Heavenly Father by Ricardo Miranda

Chem Trails by Joe Spear

Chess Player by Douglas Alan Struble

Steen Kjorlie

Steen Kjorlie

Dulcinea by Alberto Ybarra

Grown Up Part 1 by by Charles Papillo

Remnant by Patrick St Clair

Schulgin's Dream by Jake Kobrin

The Weather Up There, by Joshua Coffy

Losing My Cool by Hugo Kobayashi

Hope you enjoyed this entry, and I hope to see you all on September 7th, from 5pm to 9pm for our FOR THE LOVE OF COUNTRY exhibit, featuring works by Mark H Campbell, Bern Rauch, Dale Erickson, Patrick St Clair, Alberto Ybarra, Erica Meriaux, Lean Thomason Bromberg, and Martin Zuniga!